The world came crashing down on everyone this month. I’ve never been good at tuning things out, but the current pandemic has really dampened my productivity of late. I hope everyone is being safe and staying healthy through this crisis.
Now onto the writing update.
Writing Update
The Final Gauntlet
I’m finishing the first draft this week!!! It’s taken far longer than I would have liked, but I’m generally pleased with the results. A lot of cleaning up to do next month, but then the Greystone-in-Training trilogy is complete.
This endeavor has been so rewarding to me as a writer. It was originally meant to be three very short tales (and a proposed fourth that I think is going to work out perfectly somewhere else…). The idea was that these 10,000 word stories would be the perfect bridge between Book 5 and 6 of the main series.
But the way they grew, the way they continue to evolve even in the drafting stage, has been truly astonishing. I absolutely love the way the trilogy has turned out. Hope you feel the same.
Greystone Serial
I was supposed to announce more details for this. Then the world imploded. So I’m giving myself more time to line up the specifics for this project. You’ll hear them soon, I promise.
Like I said, not much in the way of productivity. (I guess a draft is nothing to sneeze at, but still…) What I have done over the last week is lower the prices of most of my books.
We all need to escape the news every once in a while. Yes, it is great to stay informed. If it comes at the cost of our sanity, though, it really isn’t doing us any good. So let’s unplug and enjoy some fiction, folks!
Hammer and Anvil is also FREE right now!
Greystone: The Complete First Cycle is on sale for only $6.99!
Be smart out there. Be safe.
And happy reading!