If you’ve been following the newsletter (and you should) then this is old news for you. Wait! Before you click away, I’m not done yet! There’s more to share, including Greystone-in-Training hardcovers! (See? Aren’t you glad you stuck around?)
Greystone Hardcovers!
This is something I’ve wanted to put together for years. I’m so grateful to my designers, including MiblArt and Getcovers, who worked tirelessly with my wishy-washy ass to make the best damn covers around. I clearly had no idea what I was doing when I started back in 2016, so to take all my flubs and be able to walk away with some beautiful books? I can’t say enough for their help.
The hardcovers for Greystone are available now and you can order them through my online store or on Amazon.
Greystone-in-Training hardcovers will be out on April 2nd. I have the proofs. They are gorgeous.
I spoke about the digital box set last week. What I didn’t mention then, was how much I love this trilogy. These books truly brought out the best elements of Greystone and I hope I’m able to carry that feeling through the back half of the main series. They certainly impacted how I approached Army in the Obelisk and The Last King.
What’s next?
We’ve got paperbacks and hardcovers and ebooks. The most likely next version to arrive will be audiobooks, if I have my way with things. The first three Greystone novels are available through Audible. Unfortunately, my narrator didn’t feel the project was worth continuing and I’ve been left adrift since.
That’s going to change this fall. Promise. By year’s end, I’m hoping to announce some cool new audiobooks for you to enjoy.
Be sure to head over to Audible to check out Signs of Portents, Tales from Portents and The Medusa Coin. J.S. Arquin did an amazing job with the books. Still proud of what he was able to bring to the novels. Hoping the new narrator can do the same. I will keep you updated on the process as the year goes!