Army in the Obelisk continues this week with the launch of Part Eight! The Final Piece is a critical chapter of the serial, with returning foes and some great action scenes. The romantics out there get the chance to see Greg Loren in a new light as he enjoys a night out with Patricia Fleming. What more can you ask for?
Head over to Patreon and start reading today.
There are certain segments of the serial I struggled with. The Final Piece was one of them, not because of anything inherent in the plot. Everything was pretty nailed down before I started in. No, any conflicts I had were on the writing side. The opening action scene needed a lot of planning done ahead of time. There was the layout of the apartment to consider, the security measures in place, figuring out how Soriya inserted herself inside the scene, as well as the POV issue it caused. There were a lot of little obstacles that needed answering before drafting, and plenty more to iron out in the editing phase.
Not every scene is straightforward, and one of the things I’ve tried to do over my author career was embrace those difficult scenes. I want the challenge. I want to figure out solutions rather than run away in terror. It can be hard, it can cause some sleepless nights, but the final product always ends up stronger for the challenge.
Army in the Obelisk Part Eight
The first two chapters of The Final Piece are now available on Patreon. Follow the page and start reading now.