It’s been a strange month in the basement over here. I try to keep forward momentum on a number of projects at all times. The last few weeks, though, it hasn’t felt that way to me. Like I was just spinning my wheels instead of actively closing out projects.
Sometimes it’s just the nature of the beast, I guess.
Writing Update
DSA Season One
The season is off to the editor. I was glad to see it off but since I sent them over I’ve had some thoughts about checking different areas again. Anything to drive myself insane with worry.
Over the course of August the entire season will get one more pass to close things out.
If you read my newsletter last week, the release dates are set for the first 3 books in the season.
The Clearing launches October 9th. Promethean arrives November 13th. And The Bridge will be available on December 11th.
Pre-Order info coming next week!
My alpha readers finished up Hammer and Anvil last week, so I am in the process of fixing up the draft before giving it one last pass.
I love coming back to Greystone, so much so that I outlined book 2 this month. The title made my wife giddy with joy. Very excited to share more details next month.
The trilogy is really shaping up and I think it’s going to transition nicely back to the main series when it’s time for books 6 through 10.
I’m making a real effort to flesh out the back half of the main series before diving into the drafting phase. Greystone was a great lesson in how to plan things out, how to plant seeds and see them come to life with each new release. The problem was my timetable and how quickly I was forced to go from book to book without any downtime in order to hit my deadlines.
Really want to plan that aspect better by having a clear path from the flashback novel of book 6 to the series finale in book 10. Right now, there are some notions here and there (including some awesome tidbits for books 7 and 8) but nothing concrete yet in terms of the overall arc.
Talk to you next month about the launch of Greystone: The Complete First Cycle and more!