Want a free copy of my upcoming releases? Join the launch team today!
Explain this launch team thing to me…
It all comes down to reviews. No matter what anyone tells you, they are the gold standard for social promotion. There is nothing better than a reader’s opinion of your book to show the world that they should take a chance on your product. I can scream from the mountains that Greystone is a phenomenal series but I might be slightly biased…
Might be.
So, in exchange for a free copy of my book all I ask in return is an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads, and everywhere else you feel comfortable leaving one the week the book is released. Easy peasy.
What does a review entail?
A sentence or two at their most basic. Overall impression and whether or not you think others will enjoy the story told. You can go further into the plot, the craft behind the work, but that’s completely up to you.
The schedule this year.
It’s a little crazy, to be honest. I try to give a month or two of lead time for reading and preparing for the launch. The schedule is a little tighter than I prefer for this year but I’ll do everything I can to make it work for you.
DSA Season One, Book One – The Clearing launches in early October. Advance reader copies will be available starting September 8th.
Greystone-In-Training Book One – Hammer and Anvil also launches in October but will be near the end of the month. ARC’s will be sent out starting September 23rd.
DSA Season One, Book Two – Promethean launches mid-November. Advance reader copies will be available starting October 1st.
From there things get a little nebulous in terms of details. Faster readers can continue with the DSA series right through Book 6 (releases in April 2020).
If you’re excited about the new projects and ready to read, there’s no better way than through the launch team. It’s a good community and always a treat to hear the reactions from readers.
Email me at lou@loupaduano.com to join today!