Millions of books are out there waiting to be read. I try to keep that in perspective when I add a new one to the world. The sheer enormity of the business and the hundreds of thousands of voices that might get lost in the mix weighs heavily on my mind. Curiosity being what it is I pondered the mysteries of the universe, or in this case the reading public, and came up with a little reader survey to help discover some answers.
To better serve you, dear reader, I’d like you to take a few moments to look over the questions below. With a better sense of your reading habits I hope to make my books, and all the content offered through this site or anywhere with my name attached, the most fulfilling experience possible to keep you coming back for more.
I have even opened up the comments on this post to make it easier to answer. But, as always, you can reach me through your favorite social media channels. There is also this handy-dandy contact me page I put together that gets lonely sometimes.
Reader Survey
- Where do you buy the majority of your books? (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, local bookstore, etc.)
- What format do you prefer when reading? (physical v. digital)
- How do you find out about new books? (random searches, newsletters, library, etc)
- Do you subscribe to any discounted books newsletters?
- If so, which ones? (Bookbub, Reading Deals, etc.)
- How much are you willing to spend on a new author? What is the make it or break it price point?
- Is 99-cents asking too much with so many free options out there now?
- How much is too much for a paperback book?
- Would you read a weekly serial on a website (or through a newsletter) or do you prefer the full story in your hands?
- Would you pay to read a weekly serial on the web (or through a newsletter)?
Thank you for taking the time to look through the reader survey. It is greatly appreciated. Everything done on my end is with the reader in mind and I want to create a fully satisfying experience that brings you back with each and every installment.
Until I decide to wipe the slate clean and kill every single character you love just for the hell of it. But I wouldn’t do that. Would I?
Thanks for reading.
1. Buy most of my books on Amazon. B&N on the sale racks
2. I prefer physical books
3. I usually go off recommendations for new reads.
4. Bookbub
5. Price for paper usually $10 – $15. Digital not anymore than $2.99
6. $10 – $15
7. I enjoy a weekly serial. It would be great in a web format.
1. I buy most of my books on Amazon, BJ’s, B and N.
2. I do either.
3. I read whatever looks good.
4.Bookbub, Good Reads, Amazon.
5. Depends…..
6. Again, it depends on the book, the author etc.
7. I too would enjoy a weekly serial through a newsletter