I swear the Time Trapper is messing with me this year. There is no way another month has slipped by on the calendar. Once I make it through the Time Curtain, we’re having words, Trapper! Anyway you spin it, welcome to this month’s writing update–what there is of it, at any rate!
Writing Update
DSA Season Two LAUNCHED! Yes, the Wellspring is out in the world. Thank you to everyone who grabbed a copy and helped spread the word on the series. Much appreciated.
The launch has been fantastic. Conventions have really helped push the DSA back out into the world, so I hope to keep that momentum going.
This month, I’m closing out my final, final, FINAL? readthroughs of Books 5 and 6 of Season Two. I do this to figure out an accurate page count for the paperback so MiblArt can determine the necessary spine width for printing. It’s pretty much a straight readthrough, but I always manage to find a tweak or three for the narrative.
I’m also proofing Foundations for any last-minute issues with the book. There is one detail I think will enhance the season as a whole, so I’m glad I have the time to make it work.
Greystone 7
After a revisit to DSA, I’m diving into Greystone Book 7. October will be all drafting. I’ve read through the script a number of times, so the story is pretty much locked in my brain at this point. It should make things flow smoother as I navigate what might be my favorite Greystone adventure since The Gifts of Kali.
Okay, I love them all, but throw in some Arthurian legends? Knights of the Round Table? Prophecies of doom? Yeah, I’m all in. It’s going to be great.
Reading List
The Unwanted Prophet – I cannot say enough good things about this book. I loved every second of it. The narrative is enthralling, the characters are well-defined, and the dialogue is pitch perfect. Work fell to the wayside for this one. A fantastic read. Be sure to check it out.
Chaos and Consequences – I’m trying to branch out into the sci-fi/space war/empire genre, so reading is essential to figuring out the tone and pace readers enjoy. Nathan Doverspike’s inaugural novel was a great introduction into the world of Kai Stormbringer and the growing Aetherial War. The grittiness really helped generate the stakes for what is happening. Strong worldbuilding and dynamic characters. Check it out.