Are you ready for National Novel Writing Month? I’m gearing up for NaNoWriMo this November, my third year running in the program. It’s a great opportunity to get words on the page with some fantastic motivation by a community dedicated to telling stories.
Currently Writing
In order to put my best step forward this November, I’m currently scripting the last three books in the DSA’s inaugural season. My hope is to draft like a fiend for a six week stretch to close out the story, leaving edits for after the first of the year.
It’s a pretty big challenge I’ve set for myself this year but with the proper planning I think it is completely manageable. We’ll see how it goes.
The Bridge, book 3 of the DSA, is finished. My first time around this was my favorite story of the season. It still is. It really showcases each character so well, pushing the arc of every player into high gear for the rest of the season.
Story Bibles
I’ve been sidetracked of late. It happens. My brain gets stuck in idea mode. I’m forced to ride the wave while jotting down as many new concepts as I can before they slip away.
Some are just that – a note or two without any clue what they might mean down the line. Others are something bigger, more fleshed out. I’m currently working through one of these in the background of what I am currently writing, trying not to let it take over my entire week.
I don’t think I’m going to win this battle…
Another was a gift from a friend, an incredibly detailed time travel story. Usually when people ask me to write their book, I’m hesitant. Not this time. I can’t wait to dive into this world, when time allows. I think it’s going to be a very special novel when all is said and done.
Duel in the Dark by Jay Allan – An incredible start to a space-military series. Allan weaves quite the tale, building each world and their philosophies. It was perfectly paced, introducing multiple elements and characters, layering their backgrounds and conflicts, before kicking the action into overdrive for the second half in a blistering space battle.
I’ve already purchased the second book in the series and can’t wait to dive in.